Day One SF Food Bank - February 4, 2015

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Mindsets Tranformed

When I go to Glide, I really learn about what's outside of my daily life. To take the time out my daily schedule and be grateful for having food and a home makes me feel great. I love saying "Good Morning!" to all of the Glider's and usually getting a thank you and good morning back. I always feel grateful for everything I have and it always makes me feel better. Helping one another in the San Francisco community can always change how you feel towards others.

I go to Glide because I love learning new things from others and seeing what goes on outside of my daily life. Glide is also a great way to meet others and learn more about them. Glide is also super fun because you are giving others something they don't have, but need in their lives like any other human being. I think it's great that Glide gives resources to others to live, because when you think about it, the homeless really need it to live and be humans like everyone else.

~ Nisrine

Volunteering at Glide again reiterated the fact for me that so much of San Francisco is without food security. For me, Glide was an introduction to the quarter of San Francisco that is not able to support everyday necessities. Through volunteering, we create a community of support. One in four residence of San Francisco is food insecure. So many in our own San Francisco community struggle with everyday necessities while many others live without fully understanding these hardships. Glide is a great way to experience how many in San Francisco cannot provide everyday necessities and feel like your giving back to the community.

~ Ellie

Volunteering at Glide is an amazing experience to come and learn more about how not everything is perfect, and not everyone has as much as we do. Every time I go to glide, it opens my eyes to something new. You see, 1/4 of San Francisco is food insecure. That means that a lot of San Francisco can't get the food they need. When you go to Glide, it'll open your eyes to a world you have never seen before. You'll see people who can't afford food, more or less a place to keep them sheltered for the night.  You start learning about unconditional love. How you can love someone even if they are not related to you. You can love someone Evan if you don't even know them. Throughout the years I have been going to glide, I have learned about giving kindness, and love to ones who get beaten and stepped on. If you go to glide you will learn to love these people, that they are just like us. They just can't afford what we have.

~ Madison

Volunteering at Glide is a wonderful way to give back to people who are less fortunate. 1 out of 4 people in San Francisco are food insecure and Glide is helping to make sure that people stay healthy and get the food that they need. Helping at Glide means serving food, cleaning up, setting up, having fun, and connecting with people that are in need of help. The main reason that I participate at Glide is the satisfaction and sense of love that comes off of helping people. Glide teaches you that everyone is equal, that we all deserve the same amount of appreciation. At Glide today I was working in the "Coffee House". There, I served the elderly, families, and disabled people. I've done Glide many times and each time my mindset and perspective change. Glide is truly unique - I've never seen a place more welcoming and open. I'm really lucky to get to be apart of it.

~ Sophie

At Glide, fellow students and I learned all about unconditional love. We learned what it feels like to help out other community members that really need it.
We should be grateful for all of our privileges, especially the ones that other people don't have. When we have a necessity, that we have but others still need, we should share all of our resources. When I first went to Glide, I imagined some one trying to trip me. I was nervous.  When I left, though, I knew that everyone else there was just like me, but with less.

~ Max

Glide is not only a place to support those who need it, but a place of family and community. I participated for the first time on Wednesday and had the best time, I had never seen something so amazing. I watched from my little salt and pepper corner as 550 people filed in, got a warm meal and left happy. If someone got upset or needed something it was solved with a gentle smile and a little extra food. I've never experienced something so heartwarming, I met the most interesting characters and helped out in so many cool wonderful ways. I walked in thinking, " It will just be a slow morning behind a counter" but came out with a new mindset and a pair of tired legs.

~ Sofie

I think that for my first time going to Glide that I did good. I think when I was waiting I was scared that something bad will happen to me but know I am wanting to go back. I also think that we do Glide because we give food to people that cant feed themselves. I had a great time.

~ Tia

I thought Glide and working in the Coffee House were really fun. It was really fun because I got to speak with a lot of people and have meaningful conversations. It was also really fun serving people and giving them food, because I realized how lucky we are to be here serving wonderful people and giving them food. Working in the coffee house was a great starter point and next time we go I really want to work in the main kitchen because it would be more fun serving more people. I noticed that a lot of people were happy to be where they were. I noticed that a lot of people gave gratitude and appreciation and I will cherish that.  Thank you for introducing me into Glide!!!

~ Lily

When I first step foot in the Glide community I was nervous, scared, and worried. After I started serving food it was fun and interesting to see how other people lived and their life styles. It felt good to feed people that didn't have enough food to eat. It was really tiring but it still felt good and was all worth it. My job was to bus guests' trays, put dirty trays in the washing dish area and filling up the milk, juice, and coffee. I liked helping other volunteers to get new drinks and help carry the trays. I would definitely do Glide again.

~ Mariela

I loved going to Glide and serving food to people. It was a really fun experience. I liked having conversations with the people that we serve the food to. It was my first time going there and I had a whole different picture in my mind of what it would look like and be like. I liked coming back to school and telling all of my friends that didn't go how it was and that they should go next year. I am going to go next year if I can.

~ Mina

My perspective on Glide has changed throughout my entire experience at PHS. In the beginning of my time at Glide, I was afraid to participate as much as I did today. Over the years, I have found that I throw myself into all the opportunities we have to help, and work to the best of my ability. We do Glide to appreciate all we have, and to help the people in our community. I love the feeling of gratitude I get from people when working at Glide.

~ Estelle

My mindset and perspective have changed as well as how I see the world. After I went to Glide, I started seeing all things in a whole new light. At first I thought it would be scary because I thought the people would be mean, but that wasn't the case at all. Everybody at Glide is very nice and treat people nicely as well.  I never thought I would interact with people at Glide the way I do. I remember that many people made me laugh and were very nice. I believe that we work at Glide to make us appreciate what we have and see the world in a new light. I think that helping out the less fortunate really makes you think about life in a different light. I am so fortunate to be part of a school that offers Glide and many other opportunities.

~ Julianna

My mind set on Glide has changed over the last two year dramatically. My fist time going I was scared if everything I saw, didn't talk to anyone and stayed near my friends the whole time. Now that I have gone there many times, I feel comfortable and excited to meet and serve the people.

We support Glide to give back to our community because all of us are very privileged, and it feels good to give back to those who are less fortunate. Glide is a way to see and better understand how people that are food insecure or homeless live. When I leave Glide I always feels a sense of accomplishment come over me, and I feel that I have made a difference in at least one person's life.

~ Sophia

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Show Up And Make a Difference!

I learnt, at Glide, that one out of four people are homeless or food insecure. I also learnt that a lot of those who eat at Glide, have some sort of shelter, but can not afford enough food to feed themselves, or their families.  What everybody needs to know about Glide, is that it's a part of a community, it is not scary, the people are just normal people who turned out to be less fortune then ourselves.  My favorite part of my three shifts at Glide had to be throwing sandwiches at Sadie Ray so she could put them in the sandwich box. I made a difference today, by just showing up, serving food, preparing the food, as well a sharing my smile. Everybody needs a smile, so the smile can spread around the room. I really want to be a vet, or work at a food pantry like Glide. It may be difficult to open a food pantry by myself though.

~  Laura

Friday, February 6, 2015

Food Insecurity in San Francisco

Yesterday, while we were serving at Glide, we learned about food insecurity and how it affects people across America. Food insecurity is when someone is not sure about when or where their next meal is coming from. At Glide, my favorite part about the day was seeing the happiness around the dining hall. It shows everyone that homeless people are not "scary" nor are they "creepy". I also enjoyed making sandwiches and racing with Aracely trying to make sandwiches faster. My entire group changed and touched people's lives. Glide needs 60-80 volunteers per day so if we weren't there, people would have gone hungry and been left feeling like they hadn't connected to all the people that they could have. I think that Glide is an amazing opportunity for everyone. We get the chance to experience how people deal with food insecurity. 

~ Charly

Day Three - Faithful Fools' Street Retreat

We are called to a life of presence that acknowledges each human's incredible worth.

Aware of our judgments, we seek to meet people where they are through the Arts, Education, Advocacy, and Accompaniment.

We participate in shattering myths about those living in poverty, seeing the light, courage, intelligence, strength, and creativity of the people we encounter.

We discover on the streets our common humanity through which celebration, community, and healing occur.

Meeting People at Glide

People need to know that they can always go to Glide for free food and they will be welcomed there. My favorite part of the day was when I was busing tables at breakfast. I met a lot of people. I made a difference today by not letting people go hungry. Now that I have been to Glide I will acknowledge how there are so many home and food insecure people in the world. I will hopefully volunteer and donate money to charity organizations related to helping less fortunate people.

~ Jay

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Ordinary People Give

I learned that the people at Glide aren't all homeless, actually half of them have a home, they just can't afford to pay for food and housing. Everybody needs to know that Glide is mostly sustained by ordinary people donating money. My favorite part of the day was during Food Prep, when we were making the sandwiches because we were all talking and having fun together. I made a difference today by making sure that someone went home with a full stomach, instead of an empty one. I want to continue to volunteer at organizations like Glide or the Food Bank, and help people who are food insecure to become food secure.

~ Henry

GLIDE Opens Doors

While serving at Glide I learned that so many people, not just homeless people, are not food secure. Everyone needs to know that Glide opens doors in your personal life and also in you mantle state. You learn that a lot of people are less fortunate and helping others just lets you see these people. My favorite part of the day was eating at Glide’s Mo’s Kitchen. The food was amazing and the people there where really nice. I made a difference as I served people who didn't have food security. I will try to go back to Glide and serve again.

~ Max

I Made a Difference Today - I Will Be Respectful

I learned that people struggling with hunger and homelessness need financial help, and have to go to Glide to get a meal or two. This does not mean that they are homeless. Something that everyone needs to know about Glide is that it is a really welcoming environment and everyone is super friendly, and the food is amazing. My favorite part of the day was preparing food, because the whole group was working together as a team making sandwiches. It was really fun because we were able to talk to each other, while making a difference in San Francisco's Tenderloin community. I made a difference because my first job was collecting tickets from gusts, and I made sure to always have a smile on my face and greet the guests with enthusiasm and respect. All of the clients did the same thing for me, and it put both of us in a good mood. In my life I am always going to be respectful to others around me and to those less fortunate than me.

~ Sophia

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

GLIDE: Day One at SF Food Bank

Reflecting on Our Day at SF Food Bank

Question: What does everyone need to know about the day our team shared at San Francisco's Food Bank?

Charly: People need to know that we went to the SF Food Bank, met great and important people there,  worked measuring and packaging rice to be given to people at food bazaars all over the bay area, the Food Banks are open 7 days a week, and the Food Banks need people of all ages to help.

Sadie Ray: One in 4 people in SF are food insecure. People expect to see nothing but cans and boxes but more than 60% of food shipped out is fresh produce.  The Food Bank is the main supplier to more than 400 food pantries and soup kitchens like Glide in San Francisco.

Aracely: We went because there are people all over SF who are food insecure. Last year the Food Bank gave out more than 46 million lbs of food and expect to give more than 47 million pounds this year.

Nika: People need to know that we are helping out people who are food insecure. We are helping those who are not as fortunate as we are. People need to know that it is not boring -- it is really fun to do this work.

Laura: We bagged over 2100 lbs of rice... The food bank happens because the volunteers make it happen. Without volunteers the Food Bank would not survive.

Sophia: We had a lot of  FUN. The Food Bank has 200 partnerships and 200 food pantries that they serve. If you are food insecure call 211 and you will get the help you need

Max: On a project like this, you will learn more than you can at school. The Food Bank gives opportunities to children who would not have access to fresh produce. The warehouse smells of oranges and onions... Bring money for snacks...

Jay: People in SF and Marin can get free food, if they have a need. It is a nice warehouse and great place to work.

Rou Rou: Most of the food is donated or the Food Bank might pay $.86/lb for their fresh produce

Todd: There are 3 to 4 million lbs of food in the Food Bank's warehouse that require teams of volunteers to process and to get to people in need.

Question: How did your work make you feel and what was a favorite moment?

Henry: Sealing the bags of rice was really fun. It felt good that our packages would go to help people who couldn't help themselves and weren't as fortunate as we are.

Laura: Similar to Henry's... All our hard work and effort were great... I like to think that if we went to one of the hundreds of distribution food bazaars I could say that I made this packet of rice happen... I helped the person who is going to get it... I helped people who weren't as fortunate as we are.

Nika: It is great feeling that I was able to help someone...

Aracely: I really enjoyed weighing, measuring, packaging and labeling the rice. The people from Twitter who were working next us couldn't get as precise measurements. They were puzzled as to why.

Sadie Ray: It is so satisfying when you finish each box and took it to be closed and weighed. I was pleased when the annoying singing guy who thought he could rap finally got off our bus as we made our way back to PHS and today's assembly.

Charly: Filling a box was really gratifying -- feeling that you got things accomplished.  I am grateful that I go to a school that gives me opportunities to help people throughout the Bay Area.

Todd: I loved seeing everyone working so hard... being so enthusiastic and having so much fun working hard. This is truly an authentic learning experience... and when people are at their best.  I loved the journey across the City, listening to student stories which shows us how smart and funny all of them are.

Rou Rou: Didn't get to go but has been several times before. Loved counting and seeing how much everyone packaged in the collaborative effort.

Jay: I liked talking to various people on the bus like the guy who wasn't a fan of Jerry Brown.

Max: Getting measures of exactly one pound was always a pleasing thing... The man we met and talked with on Muni - "Fracking Guy " was a Vet and he was really intriguing. 

Sophia: Today felt really good. When I woke up this morning I didn't want to come because I was tired but I had a lot of fun with friends.  We had good conversations while packing rice... I ripped a couple of bags but it was no big deal we packed a ton of rice to be given to people in need.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Do Gooders Reflect on Their Morning of Service at Glide

My motivation for serving at Glide is providing food for those who can’t provide food for themselves. It is a great way to give back and benefit the community. It was a really fun experience. Today I had a different job than I had previously. I handed trays to the arriving people. It was really sad to see everyone so appreciative of food that we take for granted.

~ Ellie

Today, when I served at Glide, I worked in the Coffee House serving disabled people and families. I experienced that working to help people takes a lot of effort and hard work. I worked to help people at Glide that are in need and that have a hard time feeding themselves properly. The thing that I enjoyed the most about serving homeless people at Glide is to see how people live their lives, especially families, and how they find help and shelter. Today I lived the PHS mission of "World Citizens who advocate for themselves and others” by helping people not only from my community, but from the whole city.

~ Charly

I serve at Glide because it's really fun to serve these people. It's a way to give back to our community and care for other people. I also serve at Glide because everyone is so happy and thankful for us being there. Whenever you give someone their tray or refill their water they're so grateful. We go to restaurants all of the time and never really think about the people taking their time to serve us. It's a good way to put yourself in their shoes and help those less fortunate. I really enjoyed everything about Glide. I was doing a different job than last time so it was nice to experience something new and exciting. Everyone who was working with me got really emotional when we would have families with kids come in. The little kids were so happy and didn't really get how unfortunate their lives were. It really made me appreciate how I should be happy given everything that I have, if these kids have it worse and are so happy. I lived the PHS mission by going to Glide and helping serve the less fortunate.

~ Sophie

The reason I go to Glide is because it's fun to serve people and become kind of like busboys. My jobs were putting the bread and sugar on the plates and clean tables. My favorite thing about serving is being part of providing meals. I lived the PHS mission by showing I demonstrate challenge-seeking and resilience, because I took a risk and worked at Glide.

~ Eloise

I serve at Glide because, I feel very happy seeing all of the smiles on those peoples' faces. Today at Glide I experienced, the gratitude of other people, and see how thankful they are to have Glide as their food source. The thing I have enjoyed most about serving is it makes me feel satisfied to see that those people are getting food in their stomachs. I lived the PHS mission by sharing my kindness with others.

~ Madison

I serve at Glide because I love to be a waiter. Today I had the experienced helping poor people by feeding them. What I enjoy about serving was yelling “Hot Stuff!” when I had pitchers of coffee in my hands. I lived the PHS mission by trying to create world in which all people are happy.

~ Ryan

Today was my first time serving at Glide and it was an incredible experience. I serve at Glide because I want to connect with people who live in this city and help make it possible for those who are hungry or in need to get what they need. I experienced a lot of joy meeting people and doing my job which was working the floor clearing tables and getting people what they needed for their breakfast. I also experienced pain seeing up close how much need there is in this city and how many people are really hungry. I am thankful that there is an organization like Glide that feeds over 700 breakfast meals to people who need it. I really liked making eye contact with people and exchanging "good mornings." I also enjoyed seeing people share a meal together. I am thankful for seeing all of our students engage deeply with the mission of PHS and give their energy and enthusiasm to this work. I lived the PHS mission today by modeling care for the people in my community. I also lived the mission through helping encourage students to advocate for themselves and for others. I am thankful for this experience and look forward to serving again!

~ Kelsey

I serve at Glide because I believe it is a great way to help out our community, and people in need. I feel enlightened when someone appreciates me being there, so I am always glad to lend a hand. Today I experienced giving to the less fortunate, which was absolutely rewarding. The thing I enjoyed most about serving was, being a small part of the Glide process. I lived the PHS mission by demonstrating effort and engagement during my job at Glide.

~ Estelle

I served at Glide because it helps people who couldn't otherwise get breakfast. Today I experienced how hard it is helping these people get the food they deserve. The thing I most enjoyed was feeling I was helping people and making the coffee. I lived the PHS mission by connecting my hands, mind and heart while helping others.

~ Nathan

I serve at Glide because I want to help those less fortunate than myself. Today I experienced the joy of helping families, disabled, and the elderly. The thing I enjoyed most about serving was when young kids, disabled people or the elderly said, "Thank you" to me. It was so sweet and special. I lived the PHS Mission by demonstrating effort and engagement throughout our service.

~ Henry

I serve at Glide because I think the people who work there can't serve the homeless every early morning and they need help. I also feel bad and I would like to help and see the people who I share this world with.

Today I experienced patience. There are people who don't have as many rights and privileges as others, but they have a rare thing, patience. They give their friends or children food that they have been waiting for and it comes all from the heart. I found that heart warming.

The thing I enjoyed most about serving was how they shared their food and sacrifice the thing they want for friends or children.

I lived PHS' mission by demonstrating challenge seeking and resilience. I did this by keeping a positive attitude in the morning and challenging myself to try new things like working in the coffee house.

~ Nisrine

I serve at Glide because I enjoy serving those who are less fortunate than myself. Today I experienced friendship, family and sadness. The thing I enjoyed most about serving was seeing the smiles of others, as well as serving food. I would like to maybe do for a summer job in the future, to be a waitress. I lived the PHS mission by demonstrating effort and engagement.

~ Laura

I served at Glide because it would help me get into more high schools, I still loved helping people who need it, and the good feeling I get afterwards is better than anything else. Today I experienced many challenges, such as going to the wrong place with the wrong things and figuring out where those things actually go. The thing I enjoyed most about serving was the wonderful feeling you get when you help a less fortunate person and they say, “Thanks!” It's amazing. I lived the PHS a mission by helping people who needed it. Glide is amazing.

~ Max

I serve at Glide because I like to help people out who are in need because I realize how really fortunate I am. I want to give something back to people who are not as fortunate. Today I experienced a sense of community, because when I was collecting the trays. I also saw everyone sharing their food and having conversations. The thing that I enjoyed most about serving was getting to talk to everyone, and seeing that there is more to a person than what they look like. I lived the PHS mission by being kind and having a fun time with my friends.

~ Sophia

I serve at Glide because I really enjoy seeing people affected by the work we do. Today I experienced working in the main dining room. It was very fun and I had never worked in the big dinning room before. The thing I enjoyed most about serving was how everyone was so appreciative of our work and I saw a lot of happy people. I lived the PHS mission by helping everyone and doing my best to stay positive.

~ Ivy

I served at Glide because I thought it was an experience I should try in my school-lifetime and I knew I would feel proud afterwards. Today I experienced joy in providing people food and the bustle of serving people (on some level). I enjoyed it when people were yelling "Hot Stuff!" And some of the people who were eating would repeat it/laugh about it. Serving tables was also fun. I demonstrated effort and engagement when I was serving the people of the Tenderloin.

~ Montie

I serve at Glide so I can experience being a waiter to help the poor. Today I experienced a lot of fun and being a waiter too. The thing I enjoyed the most about serving was the feeling I got when I helped a bunch of people who needed coffee. I lived the PHS mission by demonstrating a love of learning through curiosity and inquiry.

~ Elliott

I serve at Glide because I like to be a good citizen of SF and because my sister and my friends go to Glide. I experienced people happy to have a warm place and a hot meal. I enjoyed seeing people smile when I served them or gave them the bigger oranges.  I lived our mission as I advocated for others by serving them food.

~ Owen

I serve at Glide because there are people who don't know where they're going to get their next meal and I like giving them that meal. Today I had the experience of helping people who don't have food and/or a house. The thing I enjoyed most was yelling, “Hot Stuff!” when I was carrying and serving coffee. I lived the PHS mission by demonstrating effort and engagement.

~ Tobin

I serve at Glide because I like being part of the solution for hunger. Any little thing I can do to help the people of San Francisco, I will. Today I experienced a sense of community at Glide, I love seeing people I have seen before at Glide. The thing I always enjoy most is the appreciation I receive from people who eat at Glide. I live the PHS mission by striving to create a place where the companionship of their peers fosters community life and helps each carry a just share of the responsibility within and beyond the walls of the school through volunteering at Glide. 

~ Clara

I want to thank all the people that support this student initiated, designed and implemented project. This community service project is authentic and truly constructivist. Our students demonstrate that they love working hard and that they have the will and wherewithal to act on their convictions. Their response to the needs of others is to share a smile, reach out and work to make all peoples' lives better. Thank you to Amy, Abby and Kathleen for making time to share in our day's adventures and accomplishments. I am inspired to be a better person and am profoundly grateful for days like today.

~ Todd