Day One SF Food Bank - February 4, 2015

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Our Morning of Giving

Today at Glide, I served many disabled people and children in the coffee house. After we were introduced and told the rules, we were assigned our jobs and started serving! At the end of the day we had served over 700 hungry children, men and women. After we were finished serving, I was very tired but I was proud that all of us had gotten up early and served people in need. I think that every time we go to Glide, we make an impact on someone and we are able to see what life is like for less privileged people. It is great to serve people who need help, and I hope that more people come to do a great deed.

~ Carly

This was my first time volunteering at Glide. It was technically very sad to see so many people food deprived or in need of help. Food security is something we take for granted. We served around 700 people and that's not representative of all the people in San Francisco in need of a meal. It's good to feel that your work affects so many people.

~ Ellie

After those less fortunate left Glide Memorial, I was sad to see that there was still some bacon left. The refilling guy had said there was no more bacon for those less fortunate. I thought this meant there was no more bacon left for anyone. When I saw all that bacon later, I was sad because those less fortunate were the ones who really needed it, not us. We needed breakfast too, but we already had way more than enough. We were grateful just the same.

~ Cole

Today at Glide I was a being a "waitress". Basically my job was to take peoples’ trays when they were done eating, wipe down the tables, and refill coffee, water, and milk. It really impacted me seeing all of these people that were essentially starving. It really filled me with joy to see all of these people so happy getting their food and being able to eat. It also made me really sad to think about how many people are impacted by true hunger and starvation. It makes you think about how lucky that you are and how you're so fortunate to be able to have food in front of you for every meal. In the end, it was a truly amazing experience and I highly encourage others to volunteer.

~ Sophie

Glide is a community, and whenever I go back to work there I always see people I've served before. I have been to Glide 10 or 11 times over the course of the last 3 years and I've worked most of the jobs. This time I greeted people and gave them their trays of food. I experienced interactions with so many different types of people. Every single person that came up to me was so grateful for the food, and my volunteer work. I love serving the people at Glide. I feel like I'm really giving back to the community.

~ Clara

I thought that giving today was a great experience because you got to help people in need. My job was taking the trays from someone and sliding it to the next person who would give the tray to the people coming for a meal. I liked my job because it made me feel that I was important to these people. The fact was that it made me feel great!

~ Audrey

Dear Reader,

This is what I want to say...
I personally felt really sad and happy at the same time, because these people were able to get food into them because we served.
If you really think about it, these people have been starving for days and days. Seeing these people sitting at tables eating food and feeling relaxed brings a tear to my eye. I am thankful that I have food and water so very accessible to me.

~ Madison

Glide was a totally awesome experience for many reasons. Firstly, I got to see people who, even if they don't have privileges like mine, they are grateful for every act of kindness anybody offered. Secondly, I got to feel what it is like to be a waiter and work and that was a spectacular experience. Lastly, I did something to help the community and that feels so great.

~ Elliott

I enjoy serving at Glide because I love seeing how happy the people are after they get food, or a drink. All these things are so basic to all of us, but mean a lot to the people at Glide. I had two jobs. My first job was putting eggs on trays, which was a little boring because it was very repetitive. My second job was working on the main floor, refilling drinks and clearing tables. It was so nice to see how happy everybody was after I refilled the pitchers of coffee, water or milk.

~ Henry

I enjoyed Glide today because I saw some really rough people there, they could not afford anything else but Glide. I could see how much they needed food to stay alive. One of the really heart warming things about the morning was that they would always say, "Thank You!" or "You’re an angel!" to each of us.

~ Laura

Glide today was really rewarding. When I served people they all were so grateful for each of us helping them out. I could tell that food didn't come very easily to these people and that they were so glad that we were there to help. I saw many families and many different kinds of people and it made me sad because they needed food as much as anyone. In our lives we should be more grateful for what we have.

~ Ivy

Glide was the most fun part of my Wednesday because I get to help my school serve breakfast to these people we really want to help. I have been doing this since last year and man am I still having fun! I am going to keep on doing it until I graduate! So, see you next Glide.

~ Jaheim

Today Glide was amazing! I loved all of it! It was really amazing and a very good opportunity for me to help a community in need. When I left Glide I felt better about myself, and the San Francisco communities around me.

~ Miles

Our students worked very hard responding to the needs of Glide’s guests. They fully engaged each person they met. They acted with care and compassion. They truly saw each person they met today as a caring, inquisitive and creative being. I am profoundly moved witnessing how much PHS students LOVE giving of themselves. They have left a lasting impression on the Glide community. Our students’ actions bring pride to the PHS community.

~ Todd

Monday, February 3, 2014

PHS Street Retreat Friday 01/24/14

I had an wonderful time during the street retreat and serving people at Glide. I used to walk through the Tenderloin scared to death! I was scared that some homeless person would kidnap me. I went on that street retreat and everything changed. I said, "Hi!" to people and they said, "Hi!" back to me. My real burst of reality was when I had to go back to a soup kitchen to feed myself. Needing to go back to the soup kitchen for food gave me inspiration to write and here it is:

  I see homeless people as I walk by...
  I let out a sigh...
  It makes me think...
  Why what?
  Why are these people homeless?
  They all once had friends, houses, homes and families!
  I wonder, "How would it feel if it happened to me? All people deserves to be happy!'

~ Meena

We served food to people in need and they were very thankful because they have food in which makes them happy.

We talked to people and they said we were doing a good thing to help the less fortunate.

My group sat with two ladies at the cafeteria who barely even knew each other but they were talking and making jokes like they were friends for years and they seemed really happy.

~ Lane

We served people food who were in need of it. These people were very happy to see the food.

The people we served talked with each other as if they have been friends their whole life even though they just met.

Many of the people there were friendly and were very open to talking. People would help each other by giving them the food that they did not want as much as the other person. Many of them would say thank you as they left.

~ Luke

Our Tenderloin Adventures.
By Liang
Mission Statement Line:

A World in which All People will be happy!

While in the Tenderloin, I found that wherever I looked there was another beside me. You could call it crowded, but I call it it’s own little community. Every time I smiled at someone I got a huge grin back, maybe some of the “grinniest” grins I’ve ever seen. The Tenderloin is a city of it’s own, a different and most definitely diverse city. If I could describe the Tenderloin in one word, I’d probably say, togetherness. You walk around and you can tell immediately that everyone knows each other. From across the street you’ll see someone yell “Alex!” or perhaps “Lisa!” and they’ll be looking right at you. But then you realize they’re calling the person behind you. Afterwards, you feel like you want to be apart of their community, you want to know that almost everyone around you knows what your name is. It makes you feel, significant, even if these people aren’t as wealthy or fortunate as you. Overall, going to the Tenderloin was a fantastic experience, I’m not saying I’d beg to go back, but if you ever get the chance. Take it.

★Please take note that on this adventure I was accompanied by Ben, Hudson, Lane, Katy, Petal, Pilar, Isabell, Ben, Clara, Luke, Meenaa, and Tanya★

~ Liang

We want to create a world that let's everyone have imagination and creativity.

There were kids playing in a park and they were making up a game And they were being very creative.

~ Petal

People need to be capable of speaking to people for help and help for other people.
My understanding is that people in the Tenderloin might connect with this quote because some of them are poor or homeless and need help sometimes. And sometimes they need to ask for help for a friend or family member who can't or don't want to ask for help themselves.

~ Hudson

At PHS we want a world where everyone helps each other to be their best and achieve what each person can achieve. We help each other and other people in San Francisco when other people in our community need this help.

My experience during our field trip to the tenderloin and especially Glide Church was a great example of the PHS community reaching out to others to help others who need us. We helped the community by giving food to people who cannot afford it. Those people could not achieve the task of feeding them selves so we spent our time helping them.

~ Ben

I hesitate to say that my time in the Tenderloin was fun. To describe it thusly, perhaps implies a flippant attitude, or that I have turned a blind eye to the people who call it their home... However, that is far from true. Doing this project has opened my eyes, not only to the suffering and hardship, but to the bright spots of friendship, harmony and hope, found in the Tenderloin.

Life is not easy in the Tenderloin. Sadly, there are many people in this position.

Most people we saw, had at least one other person with them. Community seemed very important to the people of the neighborhood.

There are many beautiful works of art to be found in the Tenderloin. Often putting the neighborhood in a positive light. There are many very talented individuals, living on the streets.

The Tenderloin National Forest is a beautiful garden, a contradiction of most people's preconceived notions of the neighborhood.

My time in this infamous neighborhood taught me to open my eyes to the people around me. To observe both the bad and the good and to not judge either way. I would willingly return to the Tenderloin, volunteer at Glide and talk to the people living there. I believe it is an experience from which all of us could benefit.

~ Katy

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Our Wednesday Serving The Tenderloin Community

Today I went to Glide  because it feels good to help people who are hungry and/or under the poverty line. I also like going because it's fun to help people who need help. Today I refilled pitcher of water, coffee and milk, cleaned tables and cleaned trays. It is really fun going and helping people even if I did need to wake up at 5am!

~ Charly

I went to Glide because I want to help lots of people and I wanted to do something really good for the world. I like Glide because it it is really nice to see all the people get food and be happy and it is really fun because you get to have your friends there to. Today I handed out trays and brought trays back to the coffee house. I also helped bring the cups to the back to be washed.

~ Ivy

I like Glide because I was having so much fun making people happy and doing refills of coffee and having call call me nice things like handsome, cute and pretty. Some people said that I should work here more because a little effort like mine can change peoples' hearts. I even like making people feel warm and cozing inside.

~ Jaheim

I do Glide because I like helping people, and it's fun. It will also help me get into a good high school. I like Glide a lot and I hope we can do it again soon!

Today, I refilled the pitchers of milk, water and coffee for the tables I was working at. The only annoying thing was when I was carrying two pitchers of milk someone bumped into me, I almost spilled. I loved seeing the people saying thank you after they had a good meal!

~ Henry

I like to volunteer because I love helping people that need help. It feels really good helping people. I think we should do this more often. I worked at the coffee house and  gave food trays to the people. I refilled beverages, wiped tables, and after Glide closed I helped stack the chairs.

~ Kharisma