Day One SF Food Bank - February 4, 2015

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Why We Serve!

I am choosing to serve at glide because I know that some people don't have what I have and I want to help those people as much as I can. I have served at glide before, so I sort of generally know what happens, but I might experience something unexpected. I will contribute to our success by listening to the rules and following them as best as I can, and doing what they need me to do, not what I want to do.

~ Daniella

Why I serve!

I know that other people in the world are not as lucky for. I know that some people can't eat everyday. I know that some people don't have a home.
I serve because I feel that because I am more fortunate than those people, that I am responsible to help them. And I want to help them

I expect
 Glide to be intense but also meaningful to me. I can tell that I will remember tomorrow for ever.

I am going to contribute to the success of the end of the day by doing exactly what I am supposed to do, and give it my all.

~ Ella

I choose to serve because I think it will be exciting and it will feel good to

help people who aren't as lucky as I am.

I expect it to be busy with hungry people eating and serving food.

I am going to contribute at the end of the day by doing what I am told and

working the best that I can

~ Paulina

I choose to server the people at Glide because I know the there are people that don't have a home, don't get that everyday support, they don't get the kind meals and kindness we get everyday. I feel that those people deserve to get the food and nurture as much as we do. And they may not get the love and support in life like we do.

~ Stella

I serve because I know how fortunate I am. I want to help people who are less fortunate. I hope I can make the world a more fair place. I want to help people. Even if it only for a day or a couple hours. I hope I can make someone happier. I expect the people at Glide to be very grateful. I have been there once before and everyone was very thankful and appreciative. I expect o be doing he same thing for hours. But the hours go by really fast.

I am going to listen to directions and cooperate. I am going o try to encourage and support people.

~ Chiara

We serve to help the people that are less fortunate, and the people that can't afford the food.
I expect serving at glide will be a new experience for all of us. I think it will be different, like the people I think will be different. I think it will be fun to serve there, to try something new. 
I choose to serve because I would really like to help the people that are less fortunate. When you really think about it, we very fortunate and have lodes of stuff and food, and these people don't have very much. I want to help end hunger, and help people. I'm going to contribute by serving and trying my best to help people in need.
~ Pilar
I think that serving will make me feel good. I will contribute to the community of the Tenderloin by working my hardest. I serve because I want to help people who are less fortunate then myself. I feel that I am obliged to the human race to help people who need it most.   

~ Joe

PHS Middle School Students Serve Breakfast

At Glide, you feel like a better person. You feel like you helped
somebody who really needs your help. At Glide, it sounded like lots trays clanging
and people yelling. It smelled like food and dirt. I saw people who looked like they
might be homeless, and also people who looked like they just couldn't afford
breakfast. I had a great time at glide and I hope to go again this year.

~ Ella

At Glide, my job was to re-fill milk and coffee containers, wipe off the tables and take the trays away when the people were done eating. My experience at Glide was very fun. In the cafeteria there were lots of people.  Most of the people there were friendly. The smell at glide was not good. I felt good because I knew that I was helping and taking care of people by serving them food. I herd people yelling and having conversations.

~ Liberty

I dabbed tables. A lot. I saw people that were hungry. Some of them would come back over and over and hide the food in their bag for later. I heard people talking loudly. It smelled faintly like fish... well, not so faintly actually. I felt good for helping people who don't have as much as me.

~ Daniella

At Glide I bussed tables, cleaned tables, got or milk or coffee also tried to help people. I saw people eating people talking and people sitting and other people helping. I heard, "Hot Coffee!" and conversing of people. I smelled interesting food. I felt good to be helping and I thought I was doing good!

~ Petal

At Glide, my job was to push trays through the lines and the next person would give it to the people or customers. We were in a big  cafeteria. After a long time, the cafeteria was packed. I noticed that most of the poor people were African American. Lists of the poor people would talk to each other and tell stories to themselves. Lost of the people thanked us for volunteering. It smelled kind of funny, a little fishy but I got used to it after a while. After all, it was a fun experience.

~ NIna